Take Part in the “Telford Big Sleep Out” 2023
We would like as many people as possible to take part in the Telford Big Sleep Out, helping to raise awareness and money to support the homeless community in and around Telford and Wrekin.
Registering for the event
To be part of the event and to receive event information, we need you to complete an online registration form. You only need to fill the form in once for each participating group, but you must give the names of all persons within your party.
Once you have submitted the form with all your individual or group details, we will arrange to send you an event information pack containing all the details you will need for the big night, along with additional information for setting up online fundraising pages or receiving a sponsor form.
We would prefer everyone to use an online fundraising page, as this helps us collect your valuable sponsorship with ease. However, we do understand that not everyone is comfortable using online systems. In such cases we will either assist you to set up a page or send you a paper form that you can use to collect your sponsor money.
Who can take part?
Telford Big Sleep Out is open to all ages, but we do ask that any person under the age of 18 years is accompanied by a responsible adult.
If you are taking part with your children, or a community group for children, please give consideration to their suitability for this event and that you are satisified you can keep them warm and safe throughout the night. Temperatures can drop as low as 0 degrees at the time of the event, so it is important you plan well for the event.
For groups of children wishing to take part, such as Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Scouts, school parties, etc, we ask that there is a minimum of one adult for each group of 8 children.
Please note: Maninplace and Stay are not liable for any injury, damage, or losses that occur from taking part in the event. The responsibility for safety and security of any person(s) or goods remain that of the individual participant(s).
Register online
Online registration for the 2023 Telford Big Sleep Out is now closed.
But don’t panic, you can still take part. Arrive on site from 7pm with your shelter, we will take some personal details for safety reasons and you can join all the other TBSO supporters.
We look forward to welcoming you at the event.