Telford Big Sleep Out is only made possible by the support of local organisations and businesses across Telford and Wrekin. Through their generous giving of venue spaces, financial sponsporship, and offering help with additional event elements, we are able to host a fun packed night of entertainement and fundraising.
This year we are thrilled to announce that the 2023 event has two new sponsors joiining it.
Telford Centre is celebrating its 50th birthday this year, and to coincide with this special celerbative year it has stepped in to offer a fantiastic venue for the Sleep Out. The support from Telford Centre brings with it much needed additional support by way of power, security, accessibility, parking and toilet facilities.
We are so excited to be sharing in its 50 birthday celerbations as we come together to raise awareness and money to support Telford’s homeless community this Autumn.
Telford CVS have also stepped in to assist with this year’s event. Through their local iniatives and projects supporting people across Telford and Wrekin with a variety of support needs, as well as the Wellbeing Community Cafe based in Madeley, they are the ideal sponsors to have onboard. Thanks to their kindness, we will be able to offer hot and cold refreshments throughout the evening.
A big THANK YOU to both sponsors for joining us this year, we are excited to have them as a key part of the 2023 event.
If your busniess or organsiation would like to offer support to the Telford Big Sleep Out, please get in touch via our Contact page.